Slay Coachella Responsibly - by Audrey Enjoli

Slay Coachella Responsibly With These Eco-Friendly Festival Essentials 

It’s officially music festival season! And whether you plan on attending Coachella, EDC, or the Burning Man festival later on this year, there’s one thing all of the festivals will have in common — an exorbitant amount of trash. If you’re an avid eco-warrior, it’s highly likely you’re already mindful about littering or leaving rubbish behind. Thankfully, it’s quite easy to be zero-waste while still enjoying your festival experience!

From packing a reusable water bottle to bringing your own utensils, there are many items you can bring along to ensure your trip out to the desert isn’t causing any harm to the local surroundings. But there are also a few tiny tweaks you can make to what you wear. Look your best *and* help the environment with these eco-friendly essentials!

Add a little sparkle and shine…Coachella biodegradable glitter by glo tatts


With vibrant colors of Oceane Blue, Turquoise Tide, Bronze Earth, and Unicorn Dust (just to name a few!), you’ll definitely want to add some BIO GLO to your Coachella outfit, especially after learning their glitter is vegan, cruelty-free, *and* 100% biodegradable. Surprisingly, most glitter is made from aluminum and contains tiny microplastics known as PET (or Polyethylene terephthalate). Sadly, microplastics make up 82% of the plastic currently residing in our oceans. Not only are microplastics polluting the waters, they’re also winding up in the stomachs of our most precious marine life. Since glitter is made of such non-biodegradable materials, it can take up to 500 years to decompose! BIO GLO glitter is an environmentally friendly alternative because it’s certified compostable and is made with sustainably sourced ingredients. BIO GLO glitter also comes in an eco glass jar (which you can reuse!) and includes an eco-friendly applicator brush made from bamboo — allowing you to sparkle and shine this festival season without causing any harm to the earth and its inhabitants!

Support the slow fashion movement…

Convertible Belt Bag w/ Vintage Embroidered Hemp by Hipsters for Sisters

Coachella and a multitude of other music festivals have quickly become *the* place to show off your style. Unfortunately, your stylish wardrobe may come at the expense of the planet. Not only does the fast fashion industry exploit marginalized workers, it’s also disastrous for the environment. Known for churning out cheap, trendy, and highly disposable pieces, the fast fashion industry is highly wasteful, and uses toxic chemicals and excessive amounts of water in order to produce one single garment. Instead of buying into all of the latest fashion trends your local mall has to offer (think Forever 21 and Zara), support brands that keep the environment in mind by producing sustainably sourced, high-quality clothing that is made with eco-conscious materials instead.

From the fanny pack around your waist, down to the shoes on your feet, be mindful when selecting your outfits (not just for festival day, but each day after!). If you’re looking to get started on revamping your closet with slow fashion products, Hipsters for Sisters is a great place to start. They use recycled, upcycled, and deadstock fabrics (fabrics other companies have discarded), along with low impact materials like hemp, organic cotton, cork, and even vegan leather!

And smell your best without causing pollution…

Organic Body Mist by Herbal Choice Mari

Being surrounded by hundreds of hot and sweaty festival goers can leave you digging through your bag for your nifty bottle of perfume. But perfumes, body mists, and deodorant sprays are also guilty of causing quite a stink! Containing a plethora of harmful chemicals, these sprays are not only causing health issues, they’re also major pollutants! With every spritz of perfume you spray, you increase your carbon footprint due to the gasses the spray contains. So ditch chemical-laden body sprays and opt for the Organic Body Mist by Herbal Choice Mari instead. With scents like lemongrass, lavender, peppermint and ginger, sweet orange, and rose and ylang ylang, you’ll be smelling your best all the while leaving the air a little bit cleaner. The sprays are aerosol free and are certified organic, vegan, cruelty-free. Plus, they don’t contain any synthetic fragrances, chemicals, or dyes.

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