Our lucky last day at Splendour, and our stall set up was still dazzling festival goers - I wanted to take a moment to show our gratitude for every single soul that came in to express their love for not only what we looked like, but what we represent. Each one of you, and there were absolutely hundreds, made all those restless, stressed hours of preparation and travel so worthwhile. It is this, the collective of similar souls on such a large scale, that keeps us always coming back for more. And the music. Forever the music. The strongest form of magic.
Our beautiful friends at Liberated Heart supplied us with their psychedelic & functional designs, allowing comfort to our bodies, so minds were free to be creative with our Glitter contouring, Glow-in-Dark tattoo's, sparkling Bindi's and complicated braiding (Shout out to the SKILZ of our GLO Girls!)
As the frosty dusk fell over the final evening, we closed our doors, hugged each other weary and starry eyed, and headed for the music - where we lost ourselves in the arms of the crowd